
发表于 2014-1-5 23:12:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
微软Windows 7已经上市快要3个月了,销量备受瞩目。微软官员表示,最新一代的客户端操作系统Windows7的销量创下了历史销售最快的业绩。

不过,虽然Windows 7取得了很好的成绩,但是为了获得更多的Windows7用户,微软仍然发布了众多的额外资源去促进消费者的升级步伐。最好的例子就是微软高级产品经理Jeremy Chapman所公布的部署“自A到Z部署Windows 7”白皮书(《Deploying Windows 7 from A to Z.doc》)。

根据微软的官方描述,这个Windows 7白皮书主要是针对IT专业人士执行企业桌面部署所发布的,为他们自Windows XP升级至Windows7提供高级指导步骤。目前,用户可以从微软下载中心免费下载“自A到Z部署Windows 7”白皮书。

值得注意的是,微软此次所发布的资源并不是针对最终用户的。Chapman指出,微软发布Windows 7白皮书的主要目的就是指导多台电脑的升级,加快IT专业人士自Windows XP/Vista升级至Windows 7的步伐。

据了解,Windows 7的白皮书中包括在平台之间迁移用户数据、设置、应用程序的相关指导。期间,IT专业人士需要做的就是平台安装、部署、系统成像等。

Chapman表示,有了Windows 7白皮书之后,在系统成像过程中,用户不再需要浪费时间在保存旧电脑的用户数据、克隆硬盘驱动、还原数据上面。在Windows 7白皮书中,包括自Windows XP迁移用户文件和设置至Windows 7中的指南、应用程序管理指南、Windows 7部署指南,使得IT专业人士能够轻松执行Windows 7的升级重大步骤。

Download Free Windows 7 RTM Deployment WhitepaperFrom the Microsoft Download Center
Windows 7 is closing in on its third month since general availability and uptake is nothing short of spectacular according to Microsoft, which has deemed the latest release of the Windows client the fastest selling version of the operating system in history. Still, Microsoft is little shy of providing customers with additional resources designed to streamline adoption as much as possible. An illustrative example in this regard is the “Deploying Windows 7 from A to Z” whitepaper authored by Jeremy Chapman, a senior product manager at Microsoft.

According to the official description of the download, the guide is set up to document “the high-level steps for IT professionals to perform an enterprise-scale desktop deployment project—starting with Windows XP and moving to Windows 7.” The “Deploying Windows 7 from A to Z” documentation can be grabbed from the Microsoft Download Center at no charge.

Make no mistake about it, the resource in question is not aimed at end users. Instead, Chapman notes that the whitepaper will come in handy to IT professionals that need to upgrade multiple computers or users from Windows XP or Windows Vista to Windows 7. The guide deals with migrating user data, settings, and applications between platforms, a process that needs to be performed automatically. Chapman stresses that IT pros will need at least some experience with platform installation, deployment, or system imaging.

“The good news is that with advances in system imaging, you no longer need to spend hours saving user data off an old computer, cloning the hard drive of a reference computer, and then taking the time to restore the data you saved in the first step,” he added. The guide covers a few topics, including Migrating User Files and Settings from Windows XP to Windows 7, Application Management and Preparing for a Windows 7 Deployment, Choosing an Image Strategy and Building Windows 7 System Images and Automating the Migration from Windows XP to Windows 7 End-to-End.

Via the “Deploying Windows 7 from A to Z” whitepaper, IT pros will be able to perform with ease major steps in OS deployment, including: “Collecting existing user data and settings (if they exist); installing the operating system; installing drivers and applications; activating the operating system; joining a domain (if necessary); restoring user data and settings; and providing the flexibility to customize which applications we install by user role, and applying language preference, locale, time zone, and so on based on user needs,” Chapman said.







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